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Eyes Health

Your eyes are an important part of your health. Eyes are window to the world. Once the light reflects off an object, it enters the eye and touches a thin membrane called retina. Retina is the front window of the eyes which helps to focus the light passing through the lens. After light passes, it reaches the pupil which is the central opening in the eyes. Depending on the amount of light received, the pupil may dilate or contract, increasing or limiting the amount of light that penetrates deeper into the eye.

Your eye health is constantly evolving - with new needs and challenges at different times. Good eye health and eye care are crucial to protect your sight, prevent common eye disorders, and treat eye problems early.

Eye Care Products

Eye health is important to prevent these common eye diseases which will affect man's daily life activities:
  • Astigmatism. This is normally caused by some irregularities in cornea which makes a person sees blur things at all distances.
  • Cataracts. This age-related problem can cause clouding of the lens that affects vision. It is the leading eye problem in the world.
  • Glaucoma. One of the prime causes of irreversible blindness is glaucoma which has late symptoms due to optic nerve damage. A person usually discovers this eye condition at a later stage.
  • Macular Degeneration. Another age-related eye problem is the macular degeneration which affects patients from 50 years old and above. It is the main cause of visual impairment and blindness.
  • Conjunctivitis. Pink eye is another term for conjunctivitis which is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva, a thin layer that lines in the inner part of the eyelid.
It makes sense to take care of your eyes using high quality eye care products. Find the best healthcare products for your eyes to enjoy their natural benefits and prevent eye problems.

Eyes Health